Freitag, 30. Dezember 2011


Did the logoartwork for the upcoming booking project WANDERVOEGEL from Hamburg. I guess this would be a design, my teachers would love. I like how it came out different than anything else i did over the last months!

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011

Taped Souls

Today something not HC/PUNK related...a flyer for the nice guys from TAPED SOULS. Awesome people and one of the rare partys you should go to in Trier!

Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011


A quick black and white poster with some upcoming shows from hrzblt.shws in Aachen!

Texas Instruments

Texas Instruments have some shirts left from the tour which you can buy here! There are also buttons and a tape i've designed for the tour!

The Tidal Sleep

Unfortunatly the Bastions + Crocus + The Tidal Sleep show in Trier had to be cancelled. Nevertheless I did some artwork for them, getting printed on totebags for their show with Defeater in Stuttgart. Go here and listen to their demos, they are so good. They allready have anounced a bunch of shows for next year, but their is more to come. I promise!

The Shanes Flyer

I did an Flyer and logodesign for the folkrock band The Shanes and the songwriter Tom Mess - here it is:

Sea Kings

Buttons and Patches with a logodesign I did for my friend Jerry from Sea Kings